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We are reeling from the senseless cruelty of the two terrible attacks that have hit Barcelona and Cambrils.
First and foremost, our thoughts are with the victims caught up in this random violence, and their families and loved ones, and we wish a speedy recovery to those injured. We are all one of them; we have all spent afternoons strolling carefree down Las Ramblas.
There is a deep sense of shock at the savage horror of these shameless cowardly deeds, but there is a unity that binds this city, and this country, and which brings us strength. Barcelona is a city of radiant light and will continue to be so, even in the face of those who wish to darken it.
The cruelty of these acts does nothing but strengthen Barcelona’s resolve in the face of evil – and to say out loud, “there is no space for you here”, “we are not afraid”, “we are a united city”.
The cruelty of these acts does nothing but strengthen Barcelona’s resolve in the face of evil
We know what winning is and we are a proud city, with a heart of stone and an inextinguishable spirit. Barcelona will stand tall and strong, as it always has, while together we defeat that evil.
We are free; we love each other, because we are brothers in solidarity, and we live in peace. This is our legacy.
I moved to Barcelona 38 years ago, and I consider it to be my home city. Here is where my first daughter was born 26 years ago, and here is where my children live, where they go to school… I want to see them grow up happily in this marvellous city, in peace and in harmony.
The mood here is of defiance, of resilience and of the sure knowledge that Barcelona, Catalonia and Spain will emerge stronger than ever from this atrocity.
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