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IQ's ILMC Special Edition is the most comprehensive and widely read issue, and looks ahead to what could be live music’s biggest year ever
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IQ’s ILMC Special Edition is out now and available to read or buy.
The latest issue includes:
The Architects – Barry Dickins: A new series celebrating the pioneers who built the foundations for the modern global business launches
Kilty Pleasures: DF Concerts’ Geoff Ellis celebrates a landmark anniversary in the business
The ‘Beats Grow Louder: Tracing the growing influence of African artists as Afrobeats hits new markets
20 Years of Bedlam: Talking to those behind the scenes of James Blunt’s live career on his anniversary tour
The Freight Unknown: How are the professionals who ship productions around the world preparing for their busiest year?
Crying Out For Amore: A health check of Italy’s live music market
Secondary Schooling: Looking at legislative moves internationally to tackle ticket resale
From Stage to Silver Screen: Examining the growing trend of artists broadcasting concert films
Concert Concentration: An investigation into the shrinking nature of tour routings
All Aboard ILMC 37: The full agenda for the sold-out 37th International Live Music Conference
Comments & Columns: Ross Patel makes a case for everyone to battle the climate crisis; Jess Partridge argues against withholding tax rules; and Jon Collins outlines LIVE’s six focus points for 2025
Plus: The latest Movers & Shakers, New Signings & New Music, Key Stories, News Analysis and lots more…
Want to read the full issue? Subscribe now for immediate digital access, or purchase the print magazine below.
A preview version of IQ‘s ILMC Special Edition is available to read. Subscribers should login below the preview edition to access the full magazine.
Comment: Ross Patel makes a case for everyone to battle the climate crisis Jess Partridge argues against withholding tax rules Jon Collins outlines LIVE’s six focus points for 2025 Secondary Ticketing Investigation Market Focus: Italy The Rise of Concert Films
Comment: Meera Patel Defines the Role of Tour Marketing Chris Ibbs on the Rise of Women in Touring Your Shout: "What is Your Most Memorable Moment from 2024?" What's Going On With... Gender-Balanced Lineups? Market Focus: Austria
Comment: Rob Sealy Talks About the Need to Prioritise Fans Natasha Gregory Defines What Success Means to Her Halloween Quiz: Can You Identify our Masked Musicians? Location Spotlight: Paris Market Focus: Norway
Comment: Pax Nindi on championing change in festival production Pascal Van De Velde on Gent Jazz festival’s transformation Your Shout: What’s your most memorable moment from the 2024 festival season? Festival Q&As with Signe Lopdrup & Caroline Giddings
Comment: The need for inclusivity in event planning with Untitled Group's Fil Palermo Nick Bonard on alternative ways to market your festival brand What the Robot Thinks: ChatGPT bios ILMC luminaries
Comment: Festival Season Update The Future of Artist Development with Manasvi Dethekar Mothers in Music - Mary Leay
Comment: Alaska Thunderfuck 2000 Talks Anti-drag Legislation in the US Zoe Maras on Asexuality ILMC Members' Noticeboard Your Shout: What Would Your Drag Name Be and Why?
Comment: Pembe Tokluhan: Your Network is Your Net Worth Full Fat's Ella McWilliam: Understanding Your Audience ILMC Members' Noticeboard Your Shout: What Was Your Favourite Highlight From ILMC 36?
Comment: Cliff Fluet Previews his AI Panel at ILMC Tim Chambers on the Marriage Between Private Equity & Live Ents Horrorscopes: Pessa Mystic on What's in Store for 2024
Comment: Adam Webb: Touts are Getting More Sophisticated Christina Hazboun: Working Toward Gender Balance Your Shout: "What Would Help Send You into Orbit in 2024?"
Comment: Nick Morgan: 10 Lessons From 10 Years of The Fair The Snug's Rachael Flaszczak Talks Protective Ownership Your Shout: "What is the scariest experience you've ever had?"
Comment: Supporting Grassroots with Shain Shapiro Michael Kümmerle on the Benefits of TikTok Your Shout: What is your most memorable moment from the 2023 festival season?
Comment: Alex Ampofo Talks Disabled Representation Sarah Slater on Bespoke Experiences Your Shout: "Who's the Most Memorable Band You've Seen at a Showcase Gig
Comment: Saskhia Menendez on the need for a trans charter Jess Kinn on developing queer stars Your Shout: "The time has come for you to lipsync for your life. Which song are you choosing and why?"
Comment: Venues: Our Cultural Hubs - Guy Dunstan on Customer Feedback Ready or Not, Here AI Come with Steve Jenner Your Shout: "What's the funniest or most bizarre thing you've ever seen at a festival?"
Comment: To Bot or Not to Bot: The rise of ChatGPT ILMC 35 Report Venues: Our Cultural Hubs by Rebecca Kane Burton Jon Chapple writes about the experience of living – and working – with cancer Your Shout: What was your ILMC 35 highlight?
Comment: TikTok: Time To Act with Marcel Hunziker Sheryl Pinckney-Maas on Crowdsourced Incident Reporting Joe Hastings Talks Mental Health ASM Global's Chris Bray on ILMC's Bursary Scheme
Comment: James Fieldhouse talks Mergers & Acquisitions #FestivalsWithoutBarriers with Suzanne Bull MBE Taylor Swift – A Consumer Perspective by Tim Chambers
Comment: Paul Newman: The Greener Ticket Annabella Coldrick On The Challenges Faced By The Business Agony Aunty Alex Dispenses His Sage-Like Wisdom
Comment: Sarah Slater on a record-breaking summer Paul Reed talks past, present & future of the festival sector IFF Report 2022
Comment: Prof Chris Kemp on Crowd Behaviour Mental Health with Lynne Maltman Your Shout: "How Do You Keep Cool When the Going Gets Tough?"
Comment: Nix Corporan on Providing Safer Places for Queer Acts & Fans Hatice Arici on the Cancellation of Istanbul's Pride Celebration Your Shout: "Who's the Best Queer Act You've Seen Live?"
Comment: Lorenz Schmid details Germany's first climate-neutral arena Theo Quiblier urges us all to share our failures Your Shout: "Which artist or band is your greatest festival discovery?"
Comment: Semyon Galperin on the conflict in Ukraine Why the Ukraine industry will thrive - Alona Dmukhovska Marie Lindqvist on investing in the future
Comment: Craig Stanley Talks Brexit Blues Healing from the pandemic with Lina Ugrinovska Your Shout: "What's the Weirdest Place You've Watched a Gig?"
Comment: BACK in the Saddle with Suzi Green Ric Salmon Talks Live-streaming with The Smile Your Shout: "What's the Best Showcase You've Ever Seen?"
Comment: Wayne Forte Talks Mad Dogs & Englishmen Ticket Tout Strategy with Richard Davies Your Shout: "What was your best live moment of 2021?"
Comment: Suzanne Hunt Talks Squeeze's US Tour Gregor Pryor on the Challenges of the Metaverse Debbie Taylor Shares Her Recent GNR Tour Experience Your Shout: Who Would Be Your Three Ideal Dinner Guests?
Comment: A Greener Festival's Claire O'Neill Says the Live Industry is Coming of Age Marta Pallarès on the Current Touring Deadlock Between Spain and the UK Your Shout: What's Your Favourite Horror Story?
Comment: MVT's Mark Davyd Talks Grassroots Jürgen Schlensog & Sven Meyer on Jazzopen Stuttgarts Obstacles Your Shout: "If you had 25 hours a day, how would you use your extra time?"
Comment: Holger Jan Schmidt on the aftermath of the Ahr Valley floods Adele Slater talks about Liam Gallagher’s “life-affirming” UK show for NHS workers Oak View Group's Jessica Koravos & Ann Jackson on Building Back Better The Roadie Cookbook's Nick Gosling and Julie Cotton discuss mental health
Comment: Luis Sousa Reinvents the Early-bird Ticket GNR's Production Coordinator Debbie Taylor Talks Covid Protocol Oak View Group's Jessica Koravos & Ann Jackson on Building Back Better
Comment: Raven Twigg on coming out and the Women Connect collective Lotje Horvers' tips for becoming allies Laura Nagtegaal's unique perspective of sexism in the industry What's your favourite Pride moment?
Comment: Suzanne Bull talks inclusivity for Deaf and disabled people Peter Noble on the eleventh-hour cancellation of Bluesfest Production Notes: Bill Rahmy's wish list Your Shout: "What Does IQ Mean to You?"
Comment: Laura Davidson on her new female-led services agency Mike Malak talks new tech Julia Robinson looks at government-backed Insurance IPM Production Notes: Rebecca Travis
Comment: Tiffany Hudson Talks Therapy on Tour Primavera Sound's Marta Pallarès on Gender-Balancing Line-ups A Life Without Touring With Gaffer Chris Kansy Your Shout: "What Was Your ILMC Highlight...?"
Comment: Agent Mark Bennett on Coping in the Face of Adversity Tone Østerdal highlights funding frustration in Norway's live sector Sybil Bell on this year’s Independent Venue Week Your Shout: Who was the most surprising person you met at a gig or added to a guest list?
Comment: Conal Dodds on live-streaming Where music and gaming collides, with Jesse Kirshbaum Your Shout: What are you looking forward to most when life gets back to normal?
Comment: Mariya Gabriel outlines Creative Europe's schemes to help live music How Iceland Airwaves recalibrated during 2020 Your Shout: What's the most positive aspect of 2020?
Comment: Italian Singer-Songwriter Elisa on her Recent Tour Joe Frankland Talks Equality Your Shout: "What's the strangest superstition you've encountered?"
Comment: Annabel Coldrick Talks Licensing & Live-streams Tallinn Music Week's Helena Sildna on TMW 2020 Your Shout: Who is the Most Famous Person, Outside of Music, That You Have Met?
Comment: Exit Festival's Dušan Kovačević on Social Activism Beverley Knight Talks Socially Distanced Concerts Your Shout: What's your most prized possession... ever?
Comment: Judith Clumpas & the Local Industry in New Zealand Michael Kill Talks Dance Music During Covid Your Shout: What's the funniest practical joke...
Comment: Alexandra Ampofo: Employers must follow through following Black Out Tuesday Macky Drese: Are traditional concerts a thing of the past? Kendall Ostrow: Time to Consider TikTok & more...
Comment: Mike Malak's tips for home working & shutdown opportunities Tamsin Embleton: Dealing with stress, anxiety and uncertainty Tim Thornhill: Insuring the Unknown Melanie Eselevsky: View from a New Boss
Comment: Claudio Trotta Talks Algorithms African Music Festivals with Chin Okeke Mark Alexander - A Place for Secondary Ticketing Jo Young Previews Futures Forum 2020 Sacha Lord Talks Nightlife
Comment: Chris Johnson Applauds Sustainability Efforts Encountering Trans Musicales with Béatrice Macé Boyan Robert Pinter in Defense of the Bulgarian Live Music Market Promotional Difficulties: With Mary Gavala
Comment: Dan Steinberg Talks Promoter 101 Podcasts Live Event Security with Mark Hamilton Martin Goebbels - A State of Commotion Heather Peace Redresses the Balance
Comment: Eric Stuart Talks Security Sustainability Goals with Shaun Shapiro & Tom Huston Mariana Sanchotene Looks at EDM Mike Malak & Anne Bewers on the Shift From Coda to Paradigm
Comment: Judith Clumpas Talks Green Arenas Claire O'Neill Provides Environmental Updates Neo Sala on the Cancellation of Doctor Music Fest Lawyer Rob Eakins on GDPR
Comment: Elisa Thoma on European Clubs & Venues The Need for Local Expertise - Archie Hamilton Country Goes Mainstream - Phyllis Belezos Adam Goodyer Asks: Do I Need an App?
Comment: Tent Waste at Festivals with A Greener Festival's Teresa Moore Neil Warnock MBE Talks Nordoff Robbins Lisa Boden Shah on Live Investments Environmental Impacts of Travel with Ben Robinson Lucie Caswell on Brexit and the Live Industry
Comment: Claire Singer Looks at Diversity in the Live Industry Joe Chialo Discusses the Music Coming out of Africa The Italian Market With Angela Curiella Big D Zaretsky Considers Equality
Comment: Chris Hammam on safety Damon Culbert - Glastonbury and the Trouble with Brexit Hilde Spille - How Healthy is the Live Music Industry?
Comment: Arnold van der Water: What Makes A Successful Touring Expo? Is 2018 the Year of French Pop? Clementine Bunel looks at the Plight of African Acts On Tour Trust in the Power of Youth with Glen Rowe
Comment: Volker May on German's Promoters Why the Industry is Missing Out - Marcus Russel Jim King on All Points Festival in London Country Music - Nathalie Cox
Comment: Protecting Festivals with Gavin Hepburn Mike Malak - Kid Talks Dr Julia Jones: The 360-degree Value of Live Music Simplifying the Live Sector Supply Chain
Comment: Ian Taylor: The Psychology of Ticket Pricing Festival Trends with Katie McPhee Thomas Ovesen on the Middle East Music Branding GDPR
Comment: Audrey Guerre & Live DMA Network Safe Gigs for Women - Sarah Claudine Simeon Pranger's Strategic Mindset Central Eastern Europe
Comment: Claire Singers Encourages Diversity in the Live Biz Live Music on Ice - Oliver Hoener Phil Mead's Lessons in Live Cathal Furey - Fan-filming at Concerts Arena Planning with Paul Cheetham
Comment: How Streaming Has Changed the Industry MP Michael Dugher and the Small Venues Circuit Creating a Successful Event with Victor Cobos
Comment: The Internet for DIY Artists - Sean Goulding Venue Security with Chris Kemp & Dr Pascal Viot Reality Cheque - Hayley Brady & James Balfour Festival Luxury with Sarah Woodhead
Comment: London's Night Czar Amy Lame Talks City Dudu Sarr on Live Music in Africa A Look at the Indian Market with Nerm Helping Young Music Makers with Give A Gig Week
Comment: Martin Holmes on event security Jo Dipple warns against complacency Collaboration between European events A reminder from Beckie Sugden about the importance of music
Comment: Ivana Dragila - A matter of perspective Matthew Covey - US artist visas DIYing the music industry Chantal Bolzern on co-operation
Comment: Anita Debaere Gets Organised Rahul Kukreja on Malaysia Judith Clumpas Talks Arena Design Funding with Vanessa Reed
Comment: New Rights Realities for Festivals - Adam Elfin Direct Licensing - Maria Forte Several Nights in Bangkok - Dennis Argenzia Safe & Sound - Niko
Comment: Tuomo Tolenene - A Mobile Threat Jules de Lattre - Agency Business Wilbert Mutsaers - Let the Music be Dr Julia Jones - Music in the Street
Comment: Learning from our Mistakes Kim Bloem Wants a Group Hug The Importance of Live
Comment: Corinne Rigaud & the EC's plans The pros and cons of live-streaming A look at gender equality Stephen Budd and affiliate marketing Careers in the live music industry for young people
Comment: The view from Paris Security under scrutiny Planning for the unforeseen The show must go on
Comment: Hilde Spille on Musicians Nick Hobbs in the East Ville Leppanen on Showcase Performances George Davison on Tour Management
Comment: Touring in Ukraine Streaming Music Festivals Dealing with the Greek financial crisis Tom Windish & Paradigm
Comment: Festival booking Touring Malaysia Finnish Metal Festivals
Comment: Sam Smith on Tour New safety recommendations Music Venue's Trust Oliver Toth Touring in Portugal Andy Inglis on tour management
Comment: On the road with Egotronic small venues with Steen Jorgensen Keith Jopling on technology Jeremy Silver reviews digital developments James Cobb talks accidents
Comment: Frank Turner John Drury from Wembley On the road with Odd Hugo Emerging European acts
Comment: Serge Grimaux on RFID accident reporting Brian Kabatznik on venues new technology SSE Arena
Comment: Music Venue Trust New technology International industry cooperation The IMMF
Comment: Carl Leighton-Pope stage barriers CDM event guidelines Festival d'ete de Quebec
Comment: Corrupshow conserving energy live meets broadcast
Comment: Touring Brazil Stuart Galbraith on Kilimanjaro Gig info websites The festival experience
Comment: Nordic Focus showcases accident data greening the industry new music funding
Comment: Benelux Israel German festival health US festivals Roger Waters' The Wall
Comment: China UK politics PRS for Music business news Reeperbahn Fritz Rau RIP