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Disabled-led charity Attitude is Everything has overhauled its Live Events Access Charter in an effort to further improve accessibility to live events.
The charter was relaunched at a celebratory event held on Wednesday (12 February) at London’s Sinfonia Smith Square, attended by more than 200 guests, supporters and partners. The evening was sponsored by LIVE, PRS for Music, PPL, Halo and MPA.
The revamped charter, which reflects the expansion of Attitude is Everything’s activities, will now operate as a “comprehensive and dynamic online learning platform”, offering charter members “access to user-friendly and accessible resources, templates and guidance”.
“I’m really excited that we’re presenting a new charter that integrates our learning around improving access for artists and professionals, our learnings around environmental responsibility, and that attempts to embed an inclusive culture through everything we do,” says Attitude is Everything interim MD Paul Hawkins. “We’re confident our relaunched charter will give greater transparency to venues and audiences, and give them greater opportunities to learn new practices and demonstrate tangible change.”
It will also now “actively ensure” that access intersects with sustainability, community building and the experiences of artists and professionals, and will use the new online platform to track trends across membership to help spot where the industry needs more support.
“Our new charter isn’t just about compliance – it’s about embedding accessibility as a core value in the live events sector,” adds Alex Covell, Attitude is Everything’s interim head of live events access. “Celebrating this achievement with funders, partners, sector friends, and colleagues in person at Sinfonia Smith Square felt important and special – not just for Attitude is Everything, but for the live events sector as a whole.”
“Live music is a joyous communal experience enriched by taking place in inclusive and accessible spaces”
Attitude is Everything, which is celebrating its 25th anniversary in 2025, has awarded charter status to more than 210 venues and festivals to date.
“Every year we build brilliant festivals that bring joy, music and wonder to millions,” says Association of Independent Festivals (AIF) CEO John Rostron. “Our gift is that we then have 12 months to reimagine what the festival will look like, and we can constantly create, innovate and improve. This is one wonderful reason why festivals lead on accessibility – they’re more nimble and free to listen, adapt and change – and the new charter is a great framework and measure by which we can all be better for the good of us all.”
The launch evening culminated in four brand-new Live Events Access Charter Awards, recognising innovation, creativity, and commitment to making live events more inclusive. Honourees were: Nottingham venue Metronome (Impact Award), Portsmouth’s Victorious Festival (Operations Award), Lytham Festival (Production Award) and Mark Schofield (Outward Voice Award) for his enthusiasm and contributions as a Mystery Shopper.
“One of LIVE’s core values is that UK live music should be accessible to all – on and off stage and in the audience,” adds LIVE CEO Jon Collins. “In seeking to live those values, LIVE could not ask for a better partner than Attitude is Everything. We are therefore delighted to offer our support for the revised Live Events Access Charter.
“Live music is a joyous communal experience enriched by taking place in inclusive and accessible spaces. It is great, therefore, that the Charter serves as a clear way for our venues and festivals to evidence their commitment to inclusion – a commitment made in the knowledge it improves the experience for us all.”
More information and sign-up details about the Live Events Access Charter is available here.
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Attitude is Everything (AIE) founder Suzanne Bull MBE will depart the UK-based disability music charity after 25 years.
Bull will step down from her position at the end of March to pursue new projects across the arts, culture and breast cancer advocacy. AIE, founded in 2000, works to connect disabled people with the live and event industries and to improve access together.
“As many of you will be aware, I live with a cancer diagnosis as well as being disabled,” she says. “In March 2025, I’ll be halfway through my treatment, so this seems like a good point for me to live life at a slower pace and have the opportunity to pursue my other interests.”
“It’s been a privilege to have been part of a team that makes real change, and I hope that I’ve contributed to making disabled people’s lives more bearable through music.
“This decision hasn’t been easy, because working at Attitude is Everything is my dream job. But although I’m sad to be leaving, I know that the organisation will continue to thrive for many years to come, until one day, we’ll be able to say that there are no barriers to disabled people going to, performing or volunteering at, or working in live events.”
Paul Hawkins, AIE’s head of skills development, will step in as interim managing director until a new CEO is installed.
“The company is in a very strong position to move forward”
Managing director Celia Makin-Bell is also set to leave the charity in mid-January to take up a new position.
Since joining in July 2021, Makin-Bell is said to have played a crucial role in the team’s stability, doubling turnover since the COVID-19 pandemic, increasing staff, and attracting new investment from sources including Arts Council England.
“I am sad to be leaving Attitude is Everything, but I’m incredibly proud of all that we’ve achieved over the last few years. The company is in a very strong position to move forward, and to continue delivering the kinds of impactful change that is still so vitally needed,” Makin-Bell says.
“I have greatly enjoyed working with Suzanne and have learnt so much from her, as well as having a lot of fun! I think our experience of co-leadership shows how different strengths, personal qualities and experiences can come together in a really positive way.”
Jacqui Adeniji-Williams, AIE co-chair, says the reshuffling signals a new phase for the charity.
“Perhaps the greatest testament to Suzanne and Celia is how they’ve built such a resilient and robust organisation, and one which is well placed to support even more people and remove even more barriers. Going forward we are now fully focussed on finding a new leader with the skill set and ambition to deliver on those aspirations.”
In recent years, AIE has delivered a series of ‘sobering’ reports detailing the state of the UK music experience for artists, fans, and professionals alike.
In September, the charity detailed the systemic barriers disabled UK musicians face; in June 2023, AIE joined with Black Lives In Music to assess the roadblocks Black disabled music creators and professionals face.
AIE also launched the Live Events Access Charter to encourage event organisers to build disability equality into all aspects of their venue or event and to make improvements in response to feedback from Deaf, disabled and neurodivergent people. A new charter is due to be launched next month.
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Disabled musicians experience significant and systemic barriers in the UK music industry, according to a new report from disability music charity Attitude Is Everything (AIE).
The report, titled Next Stage Snapshot, collated responses from 71 Deaf, disabled, and neurodivergent artists, many of whom reported experiencing discrimination as they’ve developed their careers. Attitude Is Everything’s third report since 2019 assesses the numerous challenges disabled artists face during project development, delivery, and live performance.
Of the 94% who have performed live, only 60% shared access requirements with their promoter — but just 20% reported feeling confident doing so, despite being protected by the UK’s 2010 Equality Act. The law prevents discrimination on the basis of age, disability, sex, race, gender reassignment, and other characteristics.
Less than half of the music creators surveyed said they felt confident applying for financial funding, and a mere 10% expressed confidence in self-promoting their artist brand and music.
The report states: “Many disabled music creators are concerned that their music will be seen as secondary to their lived experience of disability.”
Disabled artists reportedly experience a pay gap of £4,000, according to the Musician’s Union’s 2023 Census, further challenging the short- and long-term development of these makers.
“Uprooting inaccessible practices in the music industry would enable everyone to flourish,” says Hillary Juma, AIE artist development manager. “We hope that in sharing our members’ voices in the Next Stage Snapshot everyone in our industry who works with Deaf, disabled and neurodivergent music creators (disclosed or non-disclosed) will be inspired to take action with us to make the industry more accessible.
“We all have the power to make change for the better if we build collectively.”
“We can create a music industry that empowers disabled artists to have fulfilling, sustainable and safe careers”
To better support disabled creators, the report outlines multiple domains where improvements can be made. In addition to improvements in funding opportunities and digital marketing, Next Stage Snapshot calls for live promoters to work with venues that provide accessibility to better protect artists’ rights.
AIE continues to champion the charge with its Next Stage initiative, which launched in 2018, by providing workshops, events, and peer-support networks for disabled musicians. Next year, the charity will relaunch the Live Events Access Charter to provide more guidance on how the industry can better support artists’ access needs.
Artist Elle Chante says: “I’d like to imagine a future in which it’s normal for funding opportunities to recognise and support access needs — from application to project end. Where alternative, flexible ways of working and marketing become widely accepted. Where live showcases are supportive of both audience and artists’ needs.
“I truly believe that with more accessible funding and approaches we can create a music industry that empowers disabled artists to have fulfilling, sustainable and safe careers.”
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Attitude is Everything, Julie’s Bicycle and A Greener Future (AGF) will publish a new toolkit that empowers the UK events industry to implement practical solutions that tackle both climate change and accessibility.
The launch of the toolkit comes after a 2023 survey by Julie’s Bicycle found that sustainability is a consideration for over two-thirds of disabled respondents but that one-third feel that environmental solutions are not easy to navigate and do not meet their access requirements.
The toolkit reveals key barriers that disabled people experience within sustainability initiatives and outlines practical ways in which venues, events and festivals can address both these missions holistically.
The resource also includes three case studies with UK festivals Green Man, Forwards Festival and Shambala, which highlight where the issues have arisen, the solutions that each festival has developed and the areas where further work is needed.
Throughout 2024, AIE, Julie’s Bicycle and AGF are asking for venue managers, festival organisers, and promoters to test out the toolkit and give feedback that will result in an updated version in early 2025.
The first iteration of the toolkit will be launched today at the Green Events and Innovation Conference in London with a presentation by Julie’s Bicycle and AGF.
“Just like there’s no music on a dead planet, there’s no access either”
That will be followed by a panel discussion chaired by climate justice activist, student and speaker Dominique Palmer, with Attitude is Everything Patron Blaine Harrison of the Mystery Jets, Arts Council England’s Senior Manager for Environmental Responsibility Feimatta Conteh and Forwards Festival’s Accessibility Manager Harry Jones.
“I’m really looking forward to taking part in the panel discussion at GEI,” says Blaine Harrison, Mystery Jets, Attitude is Everything Patron, and joint Attitude is Everything and FAC Artist Ambassador.
“As a touring artist with my band Mystery Jets, I have witnessed huge changes in the live music industry over the past 20 years – both good and bad. Climate Justice is perhaps the most important conversation of our time and from a grassroots level to the mainstream, I feel that solutions around the environmental impact of our industry need to feel inclusive to all.”
Suzanne Bull MBE, founder of Attitude is Everything, adds: “Just like there’s no music on a dead planet, there’s no access either. Public demand is growing for businesses to take their environmental and access responsibilities seriously, and that public includes disabled people. More than one billion disabled people worldwide are more impacted by climate change than non-disabled people due to the additional access requirements and health concerns many of them have when disasters strike countries and our cities become clogged with polluted air. My hope is that this collaboration and the toolkit will be the catalyst for change.”
Teresa Moore, director at A Greener Future, comments: “Today’s festivals need to be viewed as an ecosystem of sustainable practices where every aspect of the event supports its sustainability goals recognising that accessibility is part of that ecosystem.”
Farah Ahmed, climate justice lead, Julie’s Bicycle, says: “We’re really proud to launch this toolkit with Attitude is Everything and A Greener Future. As the urgency of the climate crisis accelerates, we have to ensure that our responses are accessible, just, and inclusive. Live events and festivals have a responsibility to ensure that disabled people are included in shaping bold new ideas for climate action that leave no one behind.”
See the key messages from the toolkit below:
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A new report has revealed the barriers to career progression facing Black disabled music creators and music professionals in the UK
Black Lives In Music (BLIM), which works for equal opportunities for Black people to work in the UK music industry without discrimination, and disabled music charity Attitude is Everything have unveiled the study, titled Unseen Unheard, which explores the experiences of Black British music creators and music professionals with disabilities or long-term health conditions.
Based on survey findings extrapolated from BLIM’s landmark October 2021 report Being Black in the UK Music Industry, the report presents responses and insights from 99 music creators and 50 industry professionals, complemented with new interviews carried out by the organisation in 2023.
The report, which can be downloaded here, highlights intersectional bias facing Black disabled people in music. It found that 74% of Black disabled music creators felt there are specific barriers to success in the industry because of their race or ethnicity, compared to 58% of Black non-disabled creators who felt the same way.
In addition, only 38% of the 149 respondents felt that diversity and inclusion is an industry priority, while a snapshot of 33 Black disabled music creators who had applied for funding found that only 42% had been successful, compared to 54% of Black non-disabled creators.
“The Unseen, Unheard report is another first of its kind report which will aid in reframing the music industry”
“The Unseen, Unheard report is another first of its kind report which will aid in reframing the music industry,” says BLIM chief executive Charisse Beaumont. “The report highlights the intersectional barriers Black Disabled music creators and professionals face daily and what we as members of the music ecosystem can do to address these barriers.
“The landscape feels like it is changing in some ways. We have seen a reversal by organisations and the government of the commitments they made in 2020. However, what is encouraging is that we are seeing bold individuals and organisations who are resolute in demonstrating to the world that inclusion and authenticity is the New Normal.”
Beaumont continues: “In this report, you will read first hand accounts of the lived experience of Black Disabled people who have smashed through every barrier and stereotype to become senior leaders in the music industry. Together with Attitude is Everything, Black Lives in Music are on a mission for Black Disabled music creators and professionals to no longer be unseen and unheard but instead celebrated, uplifted and granted the same opportunities as others.
“Eradicating discrimination and creating platforms and pathways to showcase their talent and skills so they can thrive and have the careers they truly deserve. Let’s work together to create the truly inclusive music industry we all long for.”
“The industry’s response must only be to ‘do better’”
Other findings in the report include that 81% of Black disabled creators do not feel there is a clear career trajectory or path for them. Only 8% said they had felt supported through each career stage, and 73% of Black disabled music creators and professionals said they had seen non-Black contemporaries promoted ahead of them despite being less qualified.
Elsewhere, 70% of Black disabled music creators and professionals said that they have experienced racism or racial bias towards them, 22% have accessed counselling as a result of these experiences, and 91% of Black disabled creators and professionals said they felt unsatisfied with how they are supported by the industry.
In conjunction with the study, today also sees the launch of the organisations’ new Unseen Unheard podcast series, hosted by Attitude is Everything’s Joy Addo. Broadcast on the Black Lives In Music YouTube channel and across all podcast platforms, the series features in-depth interviews with Black disabled creators and industry professionals about their experiences of navigating the music business. .
“The Unseen Unheard report and podcast series marks the first major intervention generated by our partnership with Black Lives in Music,” says Attitude is Everything founder Suzanne Bull MBE. “It’s a rallying cry to the industry to listen to Black disabled artists and professionals and to respond to their experiences of race and disability-related barriers. And the industry’s response must only be to ‘do better’.
“The report’s sobering findings highlight the many ways in which Black disabled talent is being held back”
“The report’s sobering findings highlight the many ways in which Black disabled talent is being held back. This needs to urgently change. We need to see the ‘diversity’ conversation take place on conference stages, industry forums and boardrooms, not just in the meetings and spaces marked for the ‘diversity discussion’, but as the integral part of all conversations.
“This is the way that Black disabled people will be enabled to speak truth to power, showcase their skills and talent, and pursue ambitions free of the barriers which are artificially created for the benefit of no one within the industry.”
Unseen Unheard concludes by making a series of calls to action to talent development organisations, funders, industry support services, education providers and all industry employers under the headings: Representation, Consultation and Commitment.
Organisations are also urged sign up to Black Lives in Music’s upcoming Anti-Racism Code of Conduct and download and implement Attitude is Everything’s Accessible Employment Guide.
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IQ 116, the latest issue of the international live music industry’s favourite magazine, is available to read online now, with the print edition to land on desks between Christmas and New Year.
Our January 2023 issue is headlined by a special feature on the runaway winner of IQ’s Tour of the Year – Ed Sheeran‘s remarkable Mathematics Tour – as Derek Robertson speaks to some of the dedicated army of professionals who helped the superstar hitmaker realise his artistic ambitions.
We also turn the spotlight on Billie Eilish’s production manager Nicole Massey, who becomes the first woman to collect The Gaffer Award. Massey talks to Gordon Masson about her professional path and her hopes to see more women attaining positions of power in live music.
Elsewhere, The Architects sees some of the industry’s most visionary professionals reveal their blueprints for the future of live music, and we provide an update on the various events and partners preparing for the 35th edition of the International Live Music Conference, which will be held at London’s Royal Lancaster Hotel from 28 February – 3 March 2023.
As well as all that, Adam Woods travels to Spain for his latest market report, while a bumper comments section features ticketing expert Tim Chambers, who gives a different perspective on the incredible presale demand for Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour. In addition, James Fieldhouse gauges the desire for more merger and consolidation action in 2023 and Attitude is Everything’s Suzanne Bull urges more events to sign up to the organisation’s accessibility programme.
As always, the majority of the magazine’s content will appear online in some form in the next four weeks.
However, if you can’t wait for your fix of essential live music industry features, opinion and analysis, click here to subscribe to IQ from just £6.25 a month – or check out what you’re missing out on with the limited preview below:
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Live events accessibility charity Attitude is Everything has partnered with the Association of Independent Festivals (AIF), the Association of Festival Organisers (AFO) and the British Arts Festival Association (BAFA) to support their memberships to play their part in making 2023 the most accessible summer yet.
Collectively, these organisations represent more than 200 events that attract more than 1m ticket buyers each year. Members include some of the UK’s best-loved music and arts festivals, such as Boardmasters, Boomtown Fair, End of the Road, Cambridge Folk Festival and the BBC Proms.
Under the banner #FestivalsWithoutBarriers, the associations and festivals have been issued with three calls to action in order to help improve the live event experience for, and increase the attendance of, disabled customers:
Attitude is Everything will support AIF, AFO and BAFA members to implement these actions via their existing Access Starts Online and Accessible Employment Guide publications, alongside the publication of new guidance on inclusive artist booking for festivals and a forthcoming guide to accessible volunteering.
In addition to these resources, the partnership between the four organisations aims to offer members:
“The experiences of disabled people over the 2022 festival season appear to have been quite mixed”
On the announcement of the initiative, Suzanne Bull MBE, founder of Attitude is Everything, says: “I see this new partnership between Attitude is Everything, AIF, AFO and BAFA as a powerful force in transforming the industry. The experiences of disabled people over the 2022 festival season appear to have been quite mixed, especially when it comes to availability of pre-event information, booking accessible tickets and the level of access onsite. Working together we will drive through the change necessary to improve access for disabled audiences, artists, employees and volunteers. As a disabled person, I’m looking forward to a stress-free festival season in 2023!”
Paul Reed, outgoing CEO of AIF, adds: “We’re very pleased to expand our long-term partnership with Attitude is Everything on this initiative. It has been seven years since we launched Access Starts Online together and this expands the remit to artists, changes in the workplace and vital training opportunities for AIF members. Accessibility at festivals is truly a cross-sector issue and it’s hugely positive to see our friends at AFO and BAFA also get onboard. Let’s work together to ensure that 2023 is the most accessible year for UK festivals yet.”
Steve Heap, general secretary of AFO, comments: “The Association of Festival Organisers (AFO) has been working alongside Attitude is Everything for some years now in a drive to improve accessibility both in the audience and on stage for deaf and disabled people. The AFO is now very pleased indeed to be sitting with such a powerful and positive organisation that intends to help guide members and increase access and participation in 2023. With 14.6 million people in the UK being disabled there is a vast potential audience that may not be attending festivals for fear of inaccessibility. Here at AFO we are now discovering more and more disabled performers who could form part of our programme and helping our AFO members make their festivals more accessible. We look forward to supporting and working with Attitude is Everything for some years to come.”
Fiona Goh, director of BAFA, says: “British Arts Festivals Association (BAFA) is delighted to be working alongside its sister organisations, AFO and AIF, in helping to make 2023 the most accessible year yet for UK festivals. Our partnership with Attitude is Everything will help guide our members to increase access and participation by disabled audiences, artists and staff, beginning at the point of sale and running right through festival delivery. There’s never been a more important time to ensure that festivals are accessible to all, and we look forward to seeing a more diverse and inclusive audience in our festivals next year.”
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A new ‘audience snapshot’ by music and event industry charity Attitude is Everything indicates that a majority of Deaf, disabled and neurodivergent people want to return to live events – as long as accessible safety precautions are in place.
The poll of 289 individuals with a history of attending live events found that respondents went to more than 5,000 indoor and more than 1,200 outdoor live events in 2019 – from gigs and festivals to football matches and book launches.
Following the UK’s relaxation of restrictions on 19 July, 50% of respondents say they would feel comfortable attending an indoor live event and 73% said they would feel comfortable attending an outdoor live event, as long as they are confident that as many accessible measures as possible have been put in place to increase safety.
Almost three-quarters (74%) have additional access requirements in order to attend live events, such as companion tickets, accessible seating, step-free access and accessible toilets.
The results underscore the need for event organisers to ensure that access and Covid-safety measures are at the forefront of reopening plans.
Just over two-thirds (67%) of respondents considered themselves to be at heightened risk if they were to contract Covid-19, with 46% having shielded in 2020, and 27% feeling it necessary to return to shielding now rules have been lifted.
“More than ever before, it’s time to recognise that the disabled community are part of the life-blood of culture in the UK”
Furthermore, 42% didn’t see how a live venue could be a safe environment for them at the time they completed the survey (19 July– 1 August), with 24% feeling that they won’t be able to get to an indoor live event until next year at the earliest.
Eighty-three per cent said they would attend a venue or event that requires the NHS Covid Pass to gain entry, with 67% stating they would actively choose a venue that requires an NHS Covid Pass to gain entry over one that doesn’t.
Almost all (96%) of all respondents said it is important that venues and events engage with disabled people who don’t feel safe to return just yet, with 78% thinking venues and events should maintain online streaming as an option.
“In 2019, disabled people were big consumers of live events. In fact, in the years before the pandemic, the economic spend from disabled people attending live music grew from £3.4 million in 2013 to £9.3 million in 2019, so there was always going to be a huge demand from the disabled community to return to live events,” says Suzanne Bull MBE, founder of Attitude is Everything.
“Understandably, disabled people have real and deep-seated fears about how safe live events will be after the pandemic. I urge the live events sector to address concerns and make demonstratable efforts to welcome those with access requirements back to their venues and events, and for artists to become actively involved in this welcome.
“Over the past 18 months, disabled people have been loyal in donating to venues and campaigns to support musicians, and bought music, art and books to help creatives to sustain themselves. So more than ever before, it’s time to recognise that the disabled community are part of the life-blood of culture in the UK.”
Following the survey, Attitude is Everything calls on event organisers to check their post-19 July Covid-safety information and practices against its list of reopening measures supported by respondents.
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Accessibility charity Attitude is Everything has published a ten-point ‘live music checklist’ to help ensure deaf, disabled and neurodivergent fans are made welcome when full-capacity events are allowed to resume in the UK.
Created by the UK’s cross-sector Audience Access Alliance, the initiative is designed to apply to any kind of venue or event and has been widely endorsed throughout the music industry.
With full-scale events in the UK anticipated to resume in coming weeks, Attitude is Everything has urged the country’s music and event industries to adopt its checklist as part of their reopening plans – making sure that the needs of deaf, disabled and neurodivergent (mentally ill or developmentally disabled) fans are considered as included in the reopening strategies for gigs and festivals.
The Audience Access Alliance, launched last year, is a coalition of 13 disability and accessibility organisations and networks that have united to remove barriers for cross-sector audiences across the UK, and is being replicated across the cultural, entertainment and sports sectors.
Designed to apply to any venue or event – from football matches and outdoor festivals to heritage sites, music venues, tourist attractions and theatres – the checklist enshrines the key understandings and policies required for reopening to be fully accessible for deaf and disabled people, many of whom are desperate to start attending shows again.
“The ten-point Accessible Reopening Checklist is designed to help any venue or event get ready to welcome back deaf and disabled people,” says Attitude is Everything founder Suzanne Bull. “It’s free and easy to use, so there’s no reason for promoters, venue managers and event organisers not to embrace and implement this checklist.
“Deaf and disabled people are looking forward to returning to an inclusive world of sports, arts and culture”
“Deaf and disabled people are artists, employees, volunteers and fans, and they’re looking forward to returning to an inclusive world of sports, arts and culture.”
The full Accessible Reopening Checklist runs as follows:
Any venue or event reopening to the public should be able to say “yes” to these things:
1. We agree that every person has the right to assess their own level of risk.
2. People can find facts on our website about accessibility and Covid-19 safety to make informed decisions.
3. If we have tickets on sale, deaf, disabled and neurodivergent people can arrange the access they need.
4. No one is advised against visiting our event or venue.
5. No one will be challenged about their ‘risk status’ at our entrance due to a perceived ‘vulnerability’.
6. Attendees are not expected to bring a doctor’s note if unable to wear a mask.
7. Our Covid-19 safety measures are accessible for everyone.
8. Our street furniture does not obstruct accessible parking or access routes for attendees or pedestrians.
9. Our staff have been trained in disability awareness and understand our access provision and COVID-safety measures.
10. We are committed to listening to deaf, disabled and neurodivergent people and engaging with any new audiences gained online during lockdown.
Jane Beese, head of music for Manchester International Festival and chair of the LIVE Equality, Diversity & Inclusion group, comments: “When live music returns, it’s imperative that all audiences are able to head back into venues as quickly and safely as possible. This checklist is a great reminder of the needs of deaf, disabled and neurodivergent people.”
“Attitude is Everything continues to provide guidance and awareness raising about access issues that are practical but also acknowledge that not everyone might have this in place,” says Beverley Whitrick, strategic director for Music Venue Trust. “The Accessible Reopening Checklist helps identify areas that might need further work so we will be sharing this within our grassroots music venue community.”
The checklist follows recently published guidance from Attitude is Everything on venue reopening and accessible employment.
Read Suzanne Bull’s recent piece for IQ, which urges the UK industry not to shut out disabled people when it reopens, here:
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Like everyone, I’m feeling hopeful as the live events industry slowly starts to open up as best it can after what we hope is the worst of the pandemic. The impact of this on the industry, further compounded by Brexit, has been immeasurable for those working in it, the artists, and also the fans.
However, the consequences for deaf and disabled people have also been profound and of real concern to me. I’m well-placed to comment on it because I’m a disabled person and founder of Attitude is Everything – a charity set up to improve deaf and disabled people’s access to music and live events.
For 21 years, Attitude is Everything has worked to connect deaf and disabled people with music and event industries to improve access together. Over 200 music venues and festivals have signed up to our Charter of Best Practice, endorsed by government as the industry standard for accessibility. With our support, the live music industry has worked hard to make gigs and festivals inclusive and accessible, but I fear that the current landscape is now looking grim for our community being able to return to live events as we wish.
We need the industry to actively welcome back deaf and disabled people. In a bid to support the industry in this effort, we recently published our Access Guide: Reopening Your Venue.
Being in the group deemed clinically extremely vulnerable (CEV) myself, I was angry to be told that I could not attend early pilot events. Thankfully, following interventions by us and other partners, the language has now shifted away from this. Disabled people simply need the facts about accessibility and Covid-safety measures in order to make our own judgments about what we attend. No venue or event should ever make that decision for us.
Online information has never been more important. I know from previous data collected by Attitude is Everything that 60% of disabled people won’t buy a ticket if there isn’t any access information, and subsequently feel that the event “isn’t for them” if they can’t find the information. While I’m delighted to see live music returning to our towns and cities, I’m deeply concerned about deaf and disabled people being forgotten about or simply viewed as ‘vulnerable.’ I know of at least ten events that have gone live selling tickets without having staffed access booking services. Without strong policies in place, there is also now a real risk of disabled people being challenged on entry if staff make assumptions on a person’s vulnerability based on a ‘visible’ disability. This cannot happen.
I’m currently left wondering just what I have achieved in 30+ years of work to improve the cultural offer to disabled people
I’m currently left wondering just what I have achieved in 30+ years of work to improve the cultural offer to disabled people in the UK. However, I am heartened to know that many trade bodies, promoters, festival organisers and venue managers share my concerns about the current levels of exclusion and where this might lead in the future if left unchecked.
There needs to be a collective effort now to reverse recent messages that make certain people in our society feel unwelcome in the drive to return to live music events. I’m finding that disabled people need lots of reassurance and not all disabled people are confident about attending events in the future. We are not talking about a few people: in the UK, over 2.2 million people were told to shield, and 20% of the UK population is classed as ‘clinically vulnerable’ to Covid-19 – millions of whom are disabled people. And when I say disabled people, I mean audiences, artists, volunteers and employees.
To bring it home, some of the staff, trustees and volunteers at Attitude is Everything are in the clinically vulnerable groups. Of course, inclusion isn’t just a Covid-19 or reopening issue. Our most recent publication – our Accessible Employment Guide – provides tips on how employers can make workplaces as accessible as possible, far beyond responding to the times we find ourselves in currently.
I’m expecting to return to live music shortly, to work and to enjoy myself! For the first time in my life, I found myself excluded from society when the pandemic hit. Given the choice, I’d go out every single night of the week. I’ve spent over a year locked away in my flat because I was also diagnosed with breast cancer in March 2020, and this, plus my impairment, placed me in the CEV group. For 30 years, I partied my life away and then I was told to stay in. Who in their right mind would want to do that?
Why would I want to stay home when there are so many beautiful bands out there?
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