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The additional support comes as prime minister Mark Rutte extends the country's partial lockdown, keeping many businesses shuttered
By IQ on 10 Dec 2020
Prime minister Mark Rutte has prolonged the country's partial lockdown into the festive period
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The Dutch government has added an additional €3.7 billion euros to its financial aid for businesses that have been affected by the country’s prolonged partial lockdown.
The latest lifeline comes on top of the €33.7 bn in support the government earlier pledged to protect businesses and jobs amid the coronavirus pandemic.
The government says that businesses with the biggest percentage drop in turnover — such as the event and catering industries — will receive more financial support in the first quarter of 2021.
The subsidies that companies receive will amount to between 50–70% of the loss of turnover.
This measure will be retroactively implemented from October when prime minister Mark Rutte introduced a slate of new measures which saw music venues and theatres restricted to 30 visitors.
The bars and restaurants which were forced to shutter in October will remain closed throughout Christmas and New Year holidays after a “worrying rise” in confirmed Covid-19 cases over the past week.
The latest lifeline comes on top of the €33.7 bn in support the government earlier pledged to protect businesses and jobs
According to the Dutch health institute, the number of new confirmed Covid-19 cases rose by more than 9,000 to 43,103 in a week and the nationwide death toll in the Netherlands is approaching 10,000 since the pandemic began.
“The Covid-19 infection rate is still too high, as is the pressure on the healthcare sector,” reads a statement from the government. “On average, 24 people are being admitted to intensive care units every day. So we have no choice but to prolong the partial lockdown, even during the festive season. We all wish it were different, but the virus does not allow us to drop our guard. By keeping enough distance and reducing our contact with others, we can protect ourselves and each other.”
While the events industry will remain relatively quiet over the festive period, the Dutch government yesterday gave the green light for a number of test shows in January.
The pilot shows, organised under the umbrella of ‘Back to Live’, will include a concert and a dance event at Ziggo Dome in Amsterdam and two open-air festivals at the Lowlands and Defqon Biddinghuizen sites, (to be organised by Mojo and ID&T) among other events.
The study will aim to determine how events with an increased visitor capacity can take place safely and responsibly during the pandemic.
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