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The Brazilian government has stated promoters are not obliged to give refunds if they are able to reschedule events or offer vouchers for use as credit on future shows
By IQ on 09 Apr 2020
The Brazilian association of event promoters Abrape (Associação Brasileira de promotores de eventos) has welcomed new measures allowing promoters to offer credit to events that are rescheduled or cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
The Brazilian government joins those in countries including Germany, Austria and Poland to introduce a voucher scheme for event organisers.
Under the conduct adjustment agreement, reached between Abrape, the national consumer secretariat of the Ministry of Justice (Senacon), the national association of consumer prosecutors (Mpcon) and the federal district attorney’s office, promoters will not be obliged to refund the customer, provided they ensure a rescheduled date for the event or offer credit or discount for use in the purchase of other services.
If an event is cancelled outright and the promoter is unable to offer credit, a refund must be provided to the customer within six months of the cancellation announcement. However, the promoter can keep up to 20% of the ticket price “to reduce any unrecoverable expenses”.
“The initiative aims to guarantee consumers’ rights, without disregarding the effects caused by cancellations of events and shows in the country”
Promoters are given a range of options to offer customers in the case of postponed events. Ticketholders may use the ticket for the rescheduled date, transfer it to a third party, exchange it for another event by the same promoter (not paying a price difference if it is up to 10%), or request credit to use on another of the promoter’s event within 12 months.
According to the agreement, promoters must have dates for rescheduled shows within six months of the pandemic ending, with all postponed events to happen within a year of its end. They must also ensure the rescheduled event contains “the same main attraction” as the original and, if replaced, that it be by others “of the same musical style and status”.
A ticketholder may only request a refund for a postponed show if they can prove that they cannot attend the new date.
“The initiative aims to guarantee consumers’ rights, without disregarding the effects caused by cancellations of events and shows in the country,” says Abrape president Doreni Caramori.
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