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Bandsintown launches Instagram tool

The concert discovery platform will now allow its 450,000 registered artists to list concert dates and sell tickets directly through the Instagram app

By Molly Long on 03 Sep 2018

Maroon 5 recently used the Bandsintown service to promote their upcoming UK and Asia tour dates

Maroon 5 recently used the Bandsintown service to promote their upcoming UK and Asia tour dates

image © Justin Higuchi/Flickr

Popular concert discovery service Bandsintown has launched a new Instagram tool which will allow artists to promote concerts and sell tickets directly through the photo-sharing app.

The new Events Landing page will allow Bandsintown’s some 450,000 registered artists to promote themselves via the Instagram Stories function, therefore converting “links into ticket sales”. By swiping up on an artist’s story, fans will be able to access tickets, pre-sales and further information about events. The new integration will also allow artists to monitor their social media analytics – things like clicks, conversations and RSVPs – via the Bandsintown Manager platform.

Converting “links into ticket sales”

Using social media to promote events and sell tickets is becoming increasingly popular. In 2016, Live Nation began selling tickets through Snapchat and in the same year, Instagram debuted their Events channel, providing users with tailored suggestions of videos and pictures from concerts. In May this year, Instagram teamed up with Eventbrite to streamline ticket-buying with the creation of the ‘get tickets’ button for business profiles.

More information on how the new integration works can be found on the Bandsintown artist website.


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